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Easy Going

Travel stories + tips from seasoned explorers


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Before taking off in 2021 – here are the top 5 to-do’s

February 16, 2021

By John Gobbels, Medjet Chief Operating Officer So you are talking about planning a trip this year ~ let’s be real we have all been dreaming of traveling since last March! There is a lot to consider when preparing for your trip now that we are living in a world…

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Addio Carlo

August 23, 2020

This blog is a tribute to Carlo. A renowned radiologist in Central Italy, Dr Carlo Amodio lost his life to Covid-19 at age 71 in early April 2020. He continued to faithfully serve his patients to the end. His daughter Michela Carbonari is an Adagio friend and creator of beautiful,…

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Croatia: Summer 2020

August 2, 2020

A photographic journey with Robert Bralić You may or may not be aware, but Croatia has opened its borders to many more travelers than the rest of the European Union. Including US citizens. That’s right, subject to some restrictions, we are free to vacation in this amazing country! Enjoy below…

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When will Italy let tourists in?

May 18, 2020

1. When will Italy let tourists in? Italy has been relaxing its lockdown rules gradually since the 4th of May. In the first phase Italian residents were allowed to travel outside their province – but still needed to carry a written explanation of where they were going and why, with…

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Quarantine from the lagoon: a Venetian perspective

April 26, 2020

Carnivale no more Our Venetian guide extraordinare and amateur photographer Fiona Giusto kindly agreed to provide a journalistic recount of the last couple of months quarantined in her hometown. Fiona studied at the University Ca’ Foscari in Venice, graduating cum laude in foreign languages and literature (German and English). She is fascinated by Venetian history,…

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Ready to welcome at Villa Le Barone in Tuscany: Guest Blog

April 15, 2020

About the authors: Corso and Jacqueline Aloisi de Larderel are the current owners of Villa le Barone. The villa hotel is close to the lovely village of Panzano in Chianti, which is ideally situated about halfway between Florence and Siena in central Tuscany. Corso and Jacqueline (respectively born Tuscan and French)…

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