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Easy Going

Travel stories + tips from seasoned explorers


Winter Warmers from Tuscany

January 23, 2015

We have such FABULOUS local guides in Italy! On my Traversing Tuscany trip last fall, I had to take a day off to accompany a client to the hospital for a minor injury. I left the rest of the group in the capable hands of the staff at Pratello Country…

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Real Travel

January 14, 2015

I’ve tabled this week’s draft blog for some thoughts related to the recent series of attacks in locations around the world. Many are familiar with Mark Twain’s idea that travel dispels bigotry and narrow-mindedness. In his day, one had no choice but to “fully immerse” in a destination. Today, it…

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January 9, 2015

The world lost a great singer-songwriter this week: Pino Daniele (March 19, 1955-January 4, 2015). Born into a blue collar Neopolitan family and a self-taught guitarist, Daniele creatively debuted in the Italian music world in 1977 with the album Terra mia, which proved to be a successful mix of Neapolitan…

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The Elegant Villas of Lucca

December 16, 2014

About 300 villas are nestled in the hills between Pisa and Lucca. In 1805 the Villa Reale di Marlia was “created” by Napoleon’s sister, Elisa Bacciochi Bonaparte. She united the beautiful 16th century Villa Orsetti and the 17th century Bishop’s palace into a harmonious ensemble. While the villa is private,…

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End-of-year Musings

December 3, 2014

Two thousand fourteen has been a great year for Adagio Travel. The business grew substantially, proving again that Italy-lovers are seemingly immune to economic dips and continue to seek new and fascinating corners of the Bel Paese. Along with wonderful travel companion and chef extraordinaire Susan Eckis, we’ve perfected the…

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Pompeii and Herculaneum

November 23, 2014

The museums of Naples whet your appetite for the real thing, and you cannot miss being immersed into the ancient past by walking the roads of Pompeii and Herculaneum. I was most fascinated by the latter, perhaps because our guide was extremely well-informed and lively. Herculaneum was destroyed by the…

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