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Easy Going

Travel stories + tips from seasoned explorers

Florence Italy

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When will Italy let tourists in?

May 18, 2020

1. When will Italy let tourists in? Italy has been relaxing its lockdown rules gradually since the 4th of May. In the first phase Italian residents were allowed to travel outside their province – but still needed to carry a written explanation of where they were going and why, with…

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Family Fun in the Tuscan Sun: Guest Blog

September 16, 2019

About the Author: Betty Zacharias is a friend of Adagio Travel who graciously offered to share her story about her family’s custom tour to Tuscany, Italy in June 2019. We are a family of ten: five adults and five teenagers. Our ages range from 12 to 70. This was a…

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Traveler Spotlight: Joanne’s Custom Tour

August 9, 2019

Is a Custom Tour the Secret to Your Perfect Vacation? Joanne is a self-proclaimed novice traveler, who embarked on a custom tour to Rome and Florence in May 2019. She gave the following account through an interview with our writer in July 2019. Joanne did not grow up traveling around the world,…

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July 27, 2017

Sometimes, when we think of Italian food, the heavy, thick, rich “US version” comes to mind. Often enough, this is simply the most basic Italian cuisine, as many of us aren’t familiar with the bounty of other dishes that come from the 20 — yes 20! — separate regions in…

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The Most Brutal Sport on Earth

November 9, 2016

On June 24, Florence celebrates the feast day for its patron saint, St. John the Baptist, considered the “symbol of moral rectitude and political correctness.” Medieval Florence aspired to build its economic fortune and good government of the Republic based (at least in part) upon these values. All well and…

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Leonardo da …. WHO?

August 24, 2016

This point in the summer finds me searching for good TV entertainment. I ran across Da Vinci’s Demons, a very engaging if fantastical look at the genius as a young man struggling against multiple obstacles in 15th century Florence. You might love or hate the 3-season TV series, but it…

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Off to Italy!

September 19, 2015

This time of year is always hectic for our family. The kids are adjusting to new challenges at school. The volunteering for all kinds of things begins. And I always head to Italy. Next week, in fact. Here are some of the experiences awaiting me during the 15 days I’ll…

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Tuscan Comfort Food

August 15, 2015

My birthday is Ferragosto, August 15 — Italy’s biggest summer holiday. The country practically shuts down, and everyone heads to the beach, the mountains, or the countryside. I think of what I might be eating today, were I sitting in the rolling hills of Tuscany, for example. The meal would…

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Say “Si” to Florence – Wine and Food

April 21, 2015

Final days of my stay in Florence I decided to travel a piedi (by foot) to meet Chef Marcella on my last day in town. This is the best way to make your own discoveries in Florence, especially as you put a little distance between yourself and the Duomo. After…

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Tuscan Cioccolato

April 10, 2015

Wine and Chocolate Pairing in Florence Okay, you’re all waiting for my review of the wine and chocolate pairing lesson, right? First, even if you don’t partake in this amazing experience, make the Ballerini Chocolate Shop a stop on your next trip to Florence. It’s only a block from the…

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