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Easy Going

Travel stories + tips from seasoned explorers

Italian food

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Lake Como: Clooney’s Paradise

January 27, 2017

So here is part 2 of our series inspired by Afar Magazine’s Where to Go in 2017. This week: Lake Como. What attracted the attention of Afar? Check out Il Sereno Lago di Como, the lake’s newest luxury property. And if you have nearly $1000/night to spend on your vacation,…

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Parma: Creative City of Gastronomy…and Not Only

January 2, 2017

I absolutely love Afar Magazine. I look forward to that every-other-month issue of gorgeous photography and truly cutting-edge travel suggestions. Their latest issue is all about The Afar 100 – Where to Go in 2017. Three places in Italy made the list, so this week I’ll begin a mini-series highlighting…

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A WORD OF RINGRAZIAMENTO – or – Do Italians Eat Turkey?

November 25, 2016

Many different countries have celebrated some sort of harvest feast- Native Americans celebrate with a corn dance, while Jewish people honor the end of the agricultural season with Sukkot. The Romans honored the God Ceres with a celebration called Cerelia, where they celebrated the first fruits of the season by…

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September 14, 2016

European white truffles may well be the most expensive food in the world. With prices upward of $3600/pound in a slim year (supply and demand truly rule this market), white truffles top even Russian caviar ounce per ounce. Focusing solely on Italian truffles (tartufo sing. or tartufi plural), the most…

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August 2, 2016

Gelato is one of the best-loved Italian exports in the world: everyone “knows” it originated in Italy (or did it …?), but many may not be aware that it walks hand-in-hand with many centuries of history. Stroll down an Italian strada and you may realize, not only does Italy specialize…

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July 7, 2016

Although many regions of Italy boast superb cuisine, that of Sicily is uniquely steeped in history. A walk down the streets of a typical Sicilian town reveals a variety of vendors, selling not only typical Italian specialties (dried pasta, hearty bread), but also exotic fruits and vegetables, capers, tomatoes, eggplant,…

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It Really Was Amazing

June 23, 2016

IT REALLY WAS AMAZING – Guest Blog from Helen Desai. Helen is an accomplished photographer and, as you can see, a delightfully engaging writer. We loved how her photos captured the essence of our experiences during those few days together…. Having returned from Italy just a few weeks ago, I…

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Romeo, Romeo, Where Art Thou….? Adagio in VERONA

March 18, 2016

Stunning architecture, a rich culture, elegant locals, a deep artistic history. What’s not to love? Although most of us think “Venice” when Northern Italy comes up, consider standing out in the crowd, and instead whispering: “Verona”. For this city, located on the Adige River, has subtle beauty that merits an…

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Elegant Turin and Italy’s Piedmont Region

January 14, 2016

I just read an enticing article in the New York Times travel section: 52 Places to Go in 2016 So, the Times backs me in directing some of my custom clients to this exciting destination: Turin, or Italian Torino. This is no longer just the home of the Fiat Factory;…

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This is not a New Year’s Weight Loss Blog

January 2, 2016

Don’t know about you, but I do NOT want to read another invitation to join my local gym, or details about the latest fad diet. No, the New Year brings with it everything new, and I want to share with you some foods from Emilia Romagna — the “bread basket”…

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