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Easy Going

Travel stories + tips from seasoned explorers

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Parma: Creative City of Gastronomy…and Not Only

January 2, 2017

I absolutely love Afar Magazine. I look forward to that every-other-month issue of gorgeous photography and truly cutting-edge travel suggestions. Their latest issue is all about The Afar 100 – Where to Go in 2017. Three places in Italy made the list, so this week I’ll begin a mini-series highlighting…

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Vota “NO”?

December 15, 2016

On Monday December 5, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi announced to the public that he would resign from his position after suffering a clear defeat in the constitutional reform referendum held the day before. This leaves Italy, Europe’s fourth largest economy, in a bit of a political limbo. Not that…

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A WORD OF RINGRAZIAMENTO – or – Do Italians Eat Turkey?

November 25, 2016

Many different countries have celebrated some sort of harvest feast- Native Americans celebrate with a corn dance, while Jewish people honor the end of the agricultural season with Sukkot. The Romans honored the God Ceres with a celebration called Cerelia, where they celebrated the first fruits of the season by…

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The Most Brutal Sport on Earth

November 9, 2016

On June 24, Florence celebrates the feast day for its patron saint, St. John the Baptist, considered the “symbol of moral rectitude and political correctness.” Medieval Florence aspired to build its economic fortune and good government of the Republic based (at least in part) upon these values. All well and…

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Anti-Mafia Museum – YES!

October 29, 2016

Travelling over rolling hills through northwestern Sicily, you may find yourself in the countryside of Corleone. The unassuming town is set in a dramatic valley of stunning beauty 70 km south of Sicily’s capital, Palermo. Corleone is synonymous with the gory, dark history of the Mafia. Once the stronghold of…

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Trending in Sicilia

October 9, 2016

Trending in Sicilia: What to look for; what you can’t leave behind I’ve just finished a brilliant week on the isle of Sicilia. Stepping into an old Sicilian street, you may see caged canaries in display windows, vendors selling an assortment of colorful herbs, and fresh fish piled high in…

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