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Easy Going

Travel stories + tips from seasoned explorers

custom travel italy

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Ready to welcome at Villa Le Barone in Tuscany: Guest Blog

April 15, 2020

About the authors: Corso and Jacqueline Aloisi de Larderel are the current owners of Villa le Barone. The villa hotel is close to the lovely village of Panzano in Chianti, which is ideally situated about halfway between Florence and Siena in central Tuscany. Corso and Jacqueline (respectively born Tuscan and French)…

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Off the Beaten Path of Puglia: Guest Blog

January 21, 2020

About the Author: David Wright and his wife, Sharon, took their first group travel experience with Adagio in October when they headed to ‘the heel of the boot’ in Puglia, a wonderful ‘off the beaten path’ section of Italy. They had a terrific time and graciously offered to share their experiences. Unforgettable…

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What exactly is a World Heritage Site?

October 7, 2019

When you travel anywhere in the world, maybe the first thing you do is a Google search for “what to see in…” Chances are you’ll stumble across a landmark that boasts its title as a World Heritage Site. That sounds official, important, worthwhile… but what exactly is a World Heritage…

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Family Fun in the Tuscan Sun: Guest Blog

September 16, 2019

About the Author: Betty Zacharias is a friend of Adagio Travel who graciously offered to share her story about her family’s custom tour to Tuscany, Italy in June 2019. We are a family of ten: five adults and five teenagers. Our ages range from 12 to 70. This was a…

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Altamura Bread for the Journey

September 2, 2019

“Altamura bread, by far the best bread to be had, so good that the wise traveller takes a supply with him for his onward journey”  – Horace’s Satires, 37 BC When I daydream of Europe, I can almost smell the warm aroma of fresh bread spilling into the streets. In the…

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Why a Women’s Trip is Absolutely The Best

August 21, 2019

Guest Author, Suzi Via: Although I grew up on a Virginia dairy farm, which by definition tends to tie you down, our family was fortunate to take a European “Grand Tour” in 1972, the result of which has been a lifelong love of travel, especially to Europe! Although I’ve now been…

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Sustainable Travel Tips for 2019

August 16, 2019

“Sustainable” might be a new adjective in your vocabulary. It really just means being responsible with our resources. You’ve heard of plastic straw bans and swapping plastic for reusable totes. But how sustainable is the world of travel and tourism? Trash to Travel A recent AFP report spotlighted a bus…

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Traveler Spotlight: Joanne’s Custom Tour

August 9, 2019

Is a Custom Tour the Secret to Your Perfect Vacation? Joanne is a self-proclaimed novice traveler, who embarked on a custom tour to Rome and Florence in May 2019. She gave the following account through an interview with our writer in July 2019. Joanne did not grow up traveling around the world,…

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Puglia on My Mind – by Thereza Morris

February 26, 2019

About the author: I grew up in Switzerland and spent many childhood summer vacations and adulthood trips in Italy. I now live in Richmond, Virginia, and travel regularly to different places in Switzerland, Italy, and France, always looking for a little adventure off the beaten path paired with good food…

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Experiential Tourism: A Booming 2019 Travel Trend

December 25, 2018

Experiential tourism is a growing trend that is set to explode in the coming years. Adagio Travel is perfectly positioned to offer our clients many ways to actually LIVE their dreams while in Italy. Italy is a top destination for experiential travel – and specifically “slow tourism” – in 2019…

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